Talent Development Analytics
Know the digital skills possessed by candidates and employees for talent development to be placed in the right position. Very helpful in employee career advancement and preparing for company transformation.
The Ease Of Talent Development Analytics
Developing Employee Careers Through Complete Examinations
Examining candidates and employees through a set of questions related to digital skills. Seeking potential in the right scope of work and division.
Potential-Based Employee Role Mapping Suggestions
Suggest a wide range of job role options and media recommendations to develop skills for candidates and employees.
Make Objective Decisions
HR Management can focus more on making factual, actual and systematic decisions in that would benefit the company’s innovation
Key Features
Seeking roles and job divisions for candidats or employees through their digital skills. Identifying passion in the digital field to be placed and enhanced in the Talent Development Plan.
Gathering digital skills and passion of an employee displayed on social media. Useful for analyzing skills and potential comprehensively and precisely.